KZN Roadtrip April 2009

From Johannesburg down to Harrismith
Early Morning on the N3 just before Harrismith
Quick stop at Makiti on the N3
The massive expanse of water which is the Sterkfontein Dam lies just a few kilometres from the edge of the Drakensberg Escarpment in the very upper reaches of the Vaal Dam catchment on the Nuwejaarspruit. Deep and cool, it creates ideal conditions for trout and other varieties of fish, and is therefore a popular angling area. It is the third largest dam in South Africa and has the largest dam wall.
The dam is surrounded by a vast nature conservation area covering 18,000 ha and characterised by steep kranzes, grassed mountain slopes and lushly vegetated kloofs.
From Qwa-Qwa down to Pietermaritzburg

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