
24th of August, 2009.
The Tall Dutchman had an accident in Bryanston on his Triumph Rocket III Touring. The bike is currently in for repairs and the Dutchman is in hospital with a broken ankle. He is going for an operation and will be out of action for about 6 weeks. He is currently in a good condition and is very concerned about his bike. Photo's will be posted later.

Earlier in June Skeleton, too, had an accident and broke his collar bone. He had been out of action for quite a while and his bike was in for repairs for weeks. The bike is now repaired and due for being picked up, and Skeleton is ready to ride again!

The EON riders want to thank all the helpfull people who had helped and cared for these two bikers! more details to be posted soon...
Guardian Angles
By Vince

One day hundreds of bikers
Rode down a long empty road.
They were brothers
That followed the biker code.

And on the horizon,
The devil did sit.
He then decided that
He was going to mess with them a bit.

But before the devil could begin
He was blinded by a white light.
“Watch out” said a voice
“Do not seek trouble from them tonight”

The devil looked up
And screamed with hate:
“I will do what I want,
For them it’s too late!”

And with that he did change
Into a 2-ton speeding truck.
He approached them head on,
Yet they swerve out of his way with some luck.

He loses his temper and again did change
This time into a sporty BMW
And did try to kill them with speed
Yet nothing did and he made a “U”

As he drove away
He planned what to do next.
Then he again did hear the voice:
“Bikers are different from the rest!”

Now the devil was not happy with this
He said: “That may be true and well,
But no-one, not even bikers
Are safe in hell!”

He anchored his feet
And lifted his hands
And the waved them apart
And started to part the sands

A hole had emerged
Of preposterous size
The devil believed that even
God could not believe his eyes

The devil sank in the ground
To go greet the guests he had brought.
But in the bowels of hells he was surprised
To find more bikers than he had thought.

And behind each black-clad biker,
Stood his equal with bright white wings
They were the guardian angels,
Protectors of their bikers and their things.

And they started to march towards the devil,
And began wreaking havoc and mayhem
And as you hear the devil scream, a voice did say
“I told him not to mess with them!”